
Why Should You Soft Wash a Roof? 

soft wash roof cleaning in Austin, TX

If you want to extend the life of your roof and keep it looking its best, you’ll want to invest in regular professional pressure washing services. Luckily for Austin residents, you don’t need to look far for the best roof cleaning services! Activate Pressure Washing offers reliable, affordable, and quality services for roof cleaning in Austin, TX. You won’t find a better service anywhere in the greater Austin area!

What Is Soft Washing?

Soft washing is a particular pressure washing method that utilizes mild cleaning solutions and a low-pressure water stream. Unlike high-pressure washing, you won’t need to worry about damage to your roof’s material.

We recommend soft washing for older roofs, as well as roofs made from asphalt shingles or other porous materials.

Five Reasons to Soft Wash Your Roof

Soft wash roof cleaning in Austin, TX, has many benefits.

1. Increase Curbside Value

A dirty roof looks unappealing and uninviting, which signals that you don’t care about your home’s appearance. Soft washing restores your roof’s fixtures and features, making your home look properly kept.

If you’re planning to sell your home, soft washing your roof encourages buyers since it shows that you invest in proper home care.

2. Keeps Your Warranty Intact

Many roofing companies require that homeowners adhere to a strict cleaning schedule. If you leave your roof dirty and the roofing company sends a technician to check it, you might negate your warranty.

In many cases, warranties may even require a specific cleaning method. Some warranties expressly forbid high-pressure washing since it can damage asphalt shingles.

3. Removes Harmful Microorganisms

If you notice black streaks on your roof, harmful microorganisms such as algae, moss, or mold are growing on the surface. These microorganisms eat away at your roof’s material, and you might need to repair or replace your roof if you leave them to grow.

Aside from roof damage, these microorganisms can pose a health risk. Algae and moss can cause respiratory issues, but black mold is one of the most dangerous health risks associated with microbial growth.

4. Saves Money

As mentioned earlier, roof dirt and microbial growth can damage roof materials. If you don’t get regular soft washing roof cleaning in Austin, TX, you could spend a considerable amount repairing or replacing your roof.

What’s more, a dirty roof lowers your home’s HVAC efficiency. Dirty roofs block sunlight and fresh air, which means that your HVAC system will work overtime to maintain the proper temperature inside your home.

5. Safe for the Environment

At Activate Pressure Washing, we only use non-toxic and environmentally-safe cleaning solutions for our soft washing services. We ensure that our cleaning solution is safe for your family, pets, and local wildlife.

Enjoy the Best Soft Roof Washing From Activate Pressure Washing

There you have it—five reasons you should consider roof cleaning in Austin, TX from Activate Pressure Washing! We treat your property with respect and care, and we won’t leave until your roof looks like new. Contact us today at 512-696-5770.

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